Anyone ski or snowboard?

I picked up a Gore/Whiteface pass for this season. I just bought a brand new pair of Armada twin tip Ski’s and Nordica bindings over the summer so I’m ready to hit the slopes and terrain parks. Anyone else on the board ski or snowboard? Where does everyone like to go? What type of riding do you most like to do?

I ski. I am more into trail riding than terrain parks, but every once in a while I will hit up the moguls or launch myself off some ridiculous ramp to see how broke I get when I land… :lol

i snowboard i like jiminy i didnt go at all last year this year im hoping to get a new board and hit the slope. i havent been to anyother mountains besides west and maple.

I’ve skied pretty much everywhere in the northeast, except for up in Maine. I’ve been out to Colorado before too and that is hands down some of the best skiing there is. Now that I have friends living out there, i’m hopefully going to try to make a long weekend trip out there and hit that up again.

I bet you have! :pete

yeah i want in on that well get drunk with alex and tear shit up

snowboard windham nights, i did not get to go last year

I’m going sometime in February. Gonna hit Keystone and Breck up while i’m there.

I snowboard, definitely wanna get out this year.

i ski, mostly trail riding :ninja

181cm Moment Reno Jibs, 4frnt deadbolt 412’s, 1080 foil boots very baggy outerwear, gonna be at gore or whiteface this weekend hoping for some rails…

I freestyle ski. So far my fav. mountain is Smugglers Notch/Stowe.

What do you mean as far as freestyle?

If you mean by hitting a terrain park, Mount Snow always has a good park for that.

Mt. Snow ftw! everything is always perfectly groomed and it’s far-ish away from all the gapers…unlike some mountains cough cough gore cough cough.

No poles, double edged skis. Jumps, parks, glades, you name it. And if they dont have jumps I find them… :ninja

I still ride Mt. Snow from time to time. Gore is a great mountain. I rode it about 12 times last year and it always had great condtions and a decent park. I don’t go as big in the park as I used to so I don’t ride Mt. Snow nearly as much as I used to. Gore also had the best package for a season pass. The price I paid for the pass, after 11 times it will pay for itself.

we should all ride together, I know of a whole bunch of “natural terrain” locally. anything bigger than a 15ft drop is straight by me. I’m suprised no poles though, I take some park runs no poles every once in a while, much more consistent grabs and shit but I feel awkword doing rails/boxes. I know I have a gore pass, have had one for the last like 5 years :lol

If skier’s are looking for a hard mountain to ski, go to Mad River Glen. The mountain doesn’t get groomed. It’s a ski at your own risk and is probably some of the most technical skiing in the northeast. I’ve been there once and it was a lot of fun.

yeah I ride with mostly snowboarders though so going to MRG isn’t really fun for me.
