websites : useful tutorials and information

A few have requested me to put together some tutorials that i thought were great for beginners and as up to date as possible.

I first thought about making a pm and sending it out to these few people, but its probably better to make a thread as its gonna take a few minutes of my time it might as well benefit some others lurking on shift.

These are a list of tutorials that I believe you can start reading / doing without knowing anything about web design or development and you can take it from there.

Now of course… being able to build websites for a hobby vs building websites as a business is a different game, so make sure your biz skills are up to par if you plan on making any money because its 75% people business IMO.

I’ll start the links out with site builds. I say watch and follow the jist of site build tutorials because thats how I learned it (well i had an idea before but when i wanted to make money, i sat down and did tutorials like these).

Site builds below are done very simple and VERY easy to follow… I believe that you should 99.9999% of the time build your sites with CSS layouts. Using tables to design your websites is 2003.


Perhaps the best tutorial to start with is this one. Design and Code Your First Website in Easy to Understand Steps Build a Sleek Portfolio Site from Scratch Design a Beautiful Website From Scratch How to Design and Code a Flexible Website

Ok heres the rest and take the time to check them out, however dont get caught up in the details if you dont understand them. CSS and HTML will come to you the more you follow the tutorials. From PSD to HTML, Building a Set of Website Designs Step by Step

30 CSS Best Practices for Beginners 30 HTML Best Practices for Beginners

How to Add Variables to Your CSS Files

5 Ways to Instantly Write Better CSS HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using 6 Ways To Improve Your Web Typography Solving 5 Common CSS Headaches Weekend Quick Tip: Create Your Own Simple Reset.css File Evening Tip: Save Time By Using Multiple Classes. 10 Principles of the CSS Masters

    <b>[![](]( 	    </b>

11 Classic CSS Techniques Made Simple with CSS3 Object-Oriented CSS: What, How, and Why

A misc tut about typography and mixing font sizes

Colors and how they communicate meaning

60 resources blahblaha for the beginner developer or w/e links to tools

Ok i wanted to organize this stuff alot more, but the truth is im kind of running out of time I got alot of stuff to get together tonight.

Basically, these are a GREAT list of tutorials to start off with,

You might notice all my links are from one site, that is because im strongly reccomending that you start learning from these guys before anywhere else. Its very easy to follow and they never cut corners.

Taking shortcuts and cutting corners is the worst thing you can do with web design and IMO it always comes back to you…

I started with site builds and then after i got the idea for all of them i moved into details, thats why i posted the html and css specific stuff under the site builds…

Some of these tutorials i have not read either because they came out after and i havent been really going back to the basic stuff, i’ve been focusing on the more advanced stuff this year, so there is a few above that i would ASSUME are great tutorials, but most of them i have actually done myself and personally believe they can help you out.

If you want to learn this stuff because you wanna make good money… hahaha well idk good luck i guess, here is an awesome page to read

heres a good link , if u plan to make alot of websites

i personally dont use grid layouts or any blue print css system, however thats how i do things and its probably not best for everyone, you might like to have something to build off of.

HOWEVER dont be using no grid layouts / blueprints when you dont know how to make one of those yourself… learn the stuff, then if u want to use a blueprint go ahead, at least when u run into issues you know how to defeat them with experience.

HTML 5, its here… learn it (same with css 3)

my personal tips for websites and etc

1. build your sites in something other than IE… then go back and fix them to work in IE… because you can build them in IE… and go back to fix them in all the other browsers plus your code wont be semantic or w/e… IE doesnt display / interpet the code the way it really should, so in short… dont use IE to preview your sites… use firefox.

Use firefox + firebug + web dev toolbar.… and even fireFTp, those tools alone will let you build sites with notepad anywhere you are… and its all inside of firefox…awesome !

OH YEAH if you want to make money with this… then obvious tips as follows…

dont quit your job even if you can make killer sites, making a sick site and being able to do it all the time is awesome but the biz is 75% working with people and getting the job IMO make sure you can get jobs easily and at least hold on to your boss for a year or w/e i guess… i mean i never had a real job so i coldnt tell you that, but i know its not easy to jump out of that and just think you get jobs when u wont

dont be buyin no big mac pc ya i got one, and i dont even use it anymore, i design and build all of my websites this year on my 15inch crap ass laptop, yeah sometimes i get on the big pc, but since i been super mobile i found it better to do it 100% on the laptop, in other words i dont mean go do ur shit on a laptop, nah do it on ur pc, but u dont need to invest 6 grand into a pc to make websites

Procrastination yep… dont do it… u will get accused of that even if you arent, so if you are… then game is over LOL

i dont know, i really wanted to put together a way better article or list w/e and wanted to go into more details etc

80% of you are gonna be like wtf , why u posting this nerd shit up in here… a few people were interested , i didnt want to waste this into a pm. Im sure it can benefit a few more people that i was not aware of.

Anyways, enjoy… its not perfect or close, and im by no means anyone smart with this stuff, just trying to help out

what is this bullshit. noone is ever going to be able to figure out how to post a picture properly, no matter how many tutorials you post.

Thanks singh!

I’m going to have to looking into a few of these links, thanks Singh :thumbup

I’m going to start from scratch and go from there.

What code editor do you recommend?


No srsly, I did a majority of my shit in notepad hahah

but then again I was really into web design when I was about 8 and well there wasnt much out there and I wasnt as uber 1337 with illegal downloaidng like I am now :rofl

I’ll be doing some relearning, it sucks how much HTML protocol has changed since I started teaching myself when I was little… Everything has to be so formal now and have a strict structure…

before I could just do my graphics in photoshop, write everything in notepad which was always messy as hell and I was the only one who knew wtf was going on… but it was good to go…

Now if I did that the internet police would have a heart attack

what he means by notepad, is notepad ++.

use it. love it.


Theres another one I used I dont remember what it was called… but like this it was just a glorified notepad…

Ill see if I can dig it up

NVM no it was this… when I was taking web design in college a copuple years ago our professor had use use this

Good shit wayne!\

but not srsly I taught myself HTML in good ol windows notepad

Looks like we may have to have a gasp amateur buildoff! :ahh

coda for the mac is what we use for editors. all of our sites are designed in photoshop first.

Can I be a judge for the amateur buildoff??? :wink:

u have CS4 , so use dreamweaver, that code editor is great

no, dont use notepad, i use it sometimes when imon a pc that isnt mine and i have to do stuff…

but i use it because i already know how to code

when u start out u NEED code editors with AUTOCOMPLETION if u are using a code editor that does not auto complete… you are DOING IT WRONG

that is 100% the best way to learn html and css , using auto complete with code editors…

dreamweaver does it, i think coda, and notepadd ++ maybe i forgot

i dont have any of these misc programs anymore because dreamweaver is fine enough, however there is soe KILLER free tools u can use with auto completion

yea heres a link to some tools u guys NEED to check out 10 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Firebug

nvm i have to run, i’ll be later with that link to tools

You are more than welcome to do so :thumb

so hows it going, learn anything??

singh, i need help, i still can’t figure out how to post pics in my classified ad.

no prob, pm me your address, i’ll be over on thursday evening at about 7:40 pm

walking through the door is $125

then 75 each hour after that.

by your level of intelligence regarding pc’s and interwebs i would say keep the rest of your week free and have a few grand available

Working in baby steps now through the first tutorial and catching up on my HTML (lack of) knowledge.

i lold.



this is pathetic

What is? :ninja