wedding yesterday

so yesterday i had to go to a catholic wedding… the reception was really tame, so Amanda & I ended up going to the reception at the next hall over and hung out there for awhile…lol… i’m not catholic (or even christian) so i was totally lost during the ceremony. do all christian denominations make you do aerobics in the pews? sit, stand, kneel, stand, kneel, sit… hey father, make up your fucking mind.

anyhow, i’m hungover as fuck, so i should be a lot of fun at the BBQ today…

yo even if you arent a part of a religion
at least respect it
you were a guest in God’s house and would never not let you in

come on now…

i never use the f word while talking about religion or priest minister etc

The average vagina is 8 inches deep, the average penis is 5.2 inches…

LOL :slight_smile: Thanks


i think you have that backwards…i keep banging cervix…

i think pittspeed should be seperation of church and state! :eek4dance