Weeknight date ideas

going to do that last night but we got there and forgot the temp there is like 15 degrees colder than it is inland so we just had a drink at the casino and walked around.

might have to check out Mississippi Mudds this week since its nice out and we both are free around 9.

Eternal Flame … then the climb up the side … everytime got me laid :tup: real nice to get there b4 the sun goes down


http://www.wnyhikes.com/shalecreek/eternal-flame-falls.php (also a good website for ideas)

some pic : http://www.pbase.com/calanan/eternal

True about Glen Falls. Where is Island Park and when does the music start?

Would love to but I live in an apartment.

Ziiinnnggggg… I am going to try that. Is the park open late like till 10 or 11 or does it close at sun down? Also is there a spot to sit or is it purely hiking trails?

Island park is right behind the firestation on Main in Williamsville. It’s pretty much across the street from Glen Falls… and about the music? I don’t know… there is probably a schedule somewhere.

its really you park on the side of the road and walk in the woods … yea if you walk for about 2 hours down the waterway you will get to the park …

and no real sitting spots… its about a 15-20 min walk there and back but if you go up the wall ( you will know when you see it) it cuts like 15 min off the walk back

So you just park and walk into the woods? Is it a legit trail or is it gonna look like I might be trying to rape this girl? Is this something people do at night or is this something to try to fit into a sun set time?

Start at 3:20

lol i gotta rent that movie

Ok bumpy. Need something to do tonight that doesn’t really involve going out to a bar.

Go carts if she’s adventurous at all.

And that’s all that came to mind right now…

smoke some weed and go fishing. JEG gets the ladies every time like that.

Ask her first if she knows anybody named TheRussian though…might be good to know ahead of time.

Thats a good one. I have been wanting to try out AJs Grand Prix
