Weird Alt/Battery Help!!!

well the battery seems to be fine… when its charged it reads 12v when the cars off… battery terms MIGHT be the issue but i’ve sandpapered the positive (the negative is almost brand new…) way back when it was working just in case and this happened so I don’t know.

i havent even touched the car, i’m stumped and without a car cause i dont even know where to start.

im still looking for help to come and take a look! paying for your time!

if your going to pay for someones time go to a garage they have all the nessasary tools to find the problem. Did you try to see if the car starts with a boost? if it didnt start i say starter

starts fine with a boost. thats not the problem, just as soon as I put the heat on, my lights, or even just the brake lights, it puts a SEVERE drain on the car.

i cant say its the alternator either cause it does the same thing when the car is off…

i would take it to a garage but I don’t have the cash to tow it to a place AND pay them, and I can’t get it out of the UG parking without it dying.

thats my predicament…