Weird date & time on Wed

On Wednesday of this week, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be: 01:02:03 04/05/06

That won’t happen again until next century 2106.

I wonder how far the earth is going to shift off its axis because of this phenomenon.

I wonder how many times today I’m going to get to hear this.

This will be number 4 and I have only been up for 4 hours.

Kind of makes you wonder why you read this then. :smiley: PM me your cell and I’ll call you every hour on the hour to remind you.

I thought you were posting about a wierd time getting a side of ass :dunno:



03:04:05 06/07/08…two years??

lol you forgot 02:03:04 05/06/07

im pretty sure it will work in the afternoon too…

too shay. on that one

Mind boggling

he’s talking military time…

Has to start with one. And 1 in the afternoon is the 13th hour.

I knew you’d all ruin the fun(?) But that’s why I like this place. :slight_smile:

bunch of nerdy engineers standing around with their pocket protectors goin "oh yay look at this jeff,"pushes black rim glasses with tape back on nose “it took me 24 days to figure this out on my TI-89 yaaaayyyyy”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


No shit… my dad just sent me an e-mail with this in it… It’s old already.