Welcome to all our new members !

Hi guys just wanted to say hi and thank you for joining the club…
We hope you enjoy your new home.

Also want to say thank you for comming out to the meet… It was a great turn out alot of cars and many new faces. We hope to see you again at the next meet and on the boards.
if anyone has any problems please contact me or Chokudori_DA (samson) and we will try to help you out, either answering a question or technical stuff… Feel free to post in the member section if you dont want random people to see it. dosent matter what its about anything goes…

Also we ask Members to read the rules, Our image as a club site is very important and i ask you please respect all users and they will respect you. if you find an offensive post there is a button you can click and report it and the staff team will resolve the issue.

Anyways Welcome to the club enjoy

Zep (Rick)