You make it sound as though everyone on that payroll is in the wrong. Just because the “Higher Ups” made a decesion people dident agree with your going to punish everyone? Some people who work their simply to support their familys and leave their personal info out there for everoyne to see?
Same thing with the police station, they arrested a member of Anon, who realistically was doing illegal activites, so now your going to punish and officer for doing his job? Putting his personal information out there so someone who may not like him now knows where he lives? Your going to possibly corrupt a fellow americans chances in an ongoing case that may mean life or death, some form of closure for a murdered loved one or whatever kind of things that could be compromised from doing so.
If someone hacked your Lab steve because they dident like what they were doing and exposed every piece of personal information they had on everyone who worked their would that be right? Thats just your job, whehter or not you like what you do there, its your job.