welcome to the hood bitch

we hate everything you stand for

Why the hell is this on a club board?? This is a car organization isn’t it?:puke:

Serious Discussions and debates not related to Automobiles.

Learn to read n00b

wheres darkstar when you need him

As much as I disagree with what that batshit crazy wentz did, you know she’s going to get ushered through life, and that the this that should happen will not… It’s the American way, we gave her the spotlight already…

differnce between that family and hers is they actually make their own money and dont take hand outs all the time. From what ive seen their pretty well off. With 19 kids im sure you would have to be this day and age.

America needs to instill a one kid law like China.

I’m all for a 0 kid law for a lot of people…


Why the hell do you think you can come onto our site and bitch about the content as if your input matters and/or anyone would give two fucks about it anyways.

That being said, I agree with you. It’s a retarded thread. But there’s only one thing I hate more than the idiots that have been here for a while, and thats idiot n00bs, a category into which you are most gracefully inserting yourself.

Thanks Darkstar I’ll take that as a compliment.

WHEW! That’s a load off my mind. I was worried you might take it as an insult.

no no no
an insult would be you blowing him and him not calling you the next day

no wonder 1320’s mom keeps flipping me off in traffic… . :rofl: