Welcome to winter, bitches.

Can’t wait for this shit to freeze into black ice tonite.

Anyone have pics? I’m resizing mine right now.

Are you talking about the hail?

I actually like wacky weather like this, only thing that sucks is that my shoulder and knee act up when it gets cold like this :frowning: big time pain lol

I was watching it destroy my car for about an hour lol

Yeah my leg gets all shitty when it’s like this and it’s hard to train :frowning: Can’t imagine having it in your shoulder too.

I walked into Dick’s and came out two minutes later to a covering of slush/hail/snow on EVERYTHING. wtfbbqomgbflo.

its hailing at my house now :frowning:

56 and sunny on saturday.

Lotus is out of the garage. :frowning:



pics are from yesterday but,yes winter is here. even though it didnt feel like it at 65degrees :slight_smile:

Drove through that shit on the thruway this afternoon. So much fun :suicide:

so jealous! i wanna snowboard!