Welding a distributor

Can a distributor be welded? It cracked around the base taking it out. I’m wondering if the cast aluminum can be welded. The distributor is not easily available and would be pretty expensive. It is for a forklift.

Mighty puddy? JB Weld?

I don’t see why not. Welding cast al will be a tough one, but if you can just bond it together I don’t see why it would be a problem. Worth a shot right?

you can weld cast alum. I even have some rod specifically for cast alum. talk to a welding shop.

cast aluminum can be tig welded, it might need to be preheated.

they break on forklifts all the time apparently… well, considering i get asked to weld them all the time, i’d assume so.
oil pans too! but those usually aren’t cast aluminum… usually iron.

if you get a non retarded welder with the right tools and knowledge, it’s a breeze.

Thanks guys, I was able to get it welded at a machine shop I’ve dealt with before. For future reference, it was May Tool in Tonawanda. Those guys are great, I’ve had them do a bunch of different stuff for me over the past couple years.

Good to hear and good to know.