who can weld aluminum?

I have a damn coolant hose leaking and its in the aluminum hose part. It was vibrating on my strut bar under the car and wore through from the engine rocking back and forth. I bent it up and away now and its only a pin hole, but it just barely bubbles out coolant and makes a hissing sound. Right now I just have some coolant line over it and hose clamped it which fixed it, but I would rather have it welded.

Shoot me a PM or something if anyone has a Tig welder.

jb weld it.

are you serious?


end thread

wheres his shop located??

wayyyyy up north

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no.

What? No.

i always see him posting about his shop referring it as “up here” and shit, and i know failvis’ sti was buried in snow pretty late in the winter. sorry, plz dont hurt me

Yeah no, he’s located in Schenectady.

where at??

is this a place I can just drive it, have it done and leave??

for a pin hole leak, yeah im serious. youre king cob job… home depot turbo couplers… jb weld is sufficient for that.

if youre so adament on getting it welded, i can get it done for you at govel welding, will cost you like 40$

that was my last car…no cob job on this one…trying to avoid that which is why I want it welded.

Yea, no. He’s not.

He’s in Pattersonville. PM him on here, but I know he’s not gonna reply until Wednesday due to his 2yr anni w/ his wife. Best bet would be PM’ing Hank.

ummmmm, instead of wastin monet gettin it welded cut out bad section and run new heater hose its prolly for the heater core anyway clean job no bullshit and cost ya 20 bucks at most

your going to have to drop antifreeze level to weld it also. other wise porsoity thru out.

yeah that to :thumbup…

His shop is located in the boonies

Bring it to George at Govel Welding and tell him I sent you.

Dave at Inline will also weld this btw