Nancy Pelosi & man/boy love

Just because there are places in the world where you can have sex with a 14 year old doesn’t mean that you will see that here.

Yes 30 years ago people looked at homosexuality as a mental dissorder, partly do to ignorance of the subject and bigotry, but thats far from saying that because societies views have changed for homosexuals that pedophiles will some day get the same recognition.

You say that you don’t want to relate the two but you are. When people say they are against same-sex marriage, one of the chief arguments is that it can lead to people marrying animals or children. Its absurd.

Let me put you mind at rest, pedophilia will never be sanctioned in this country. Take a course in sociology and you will see that American society has typically always had children enter adulthood in thier late teenage years.

To say that the age of consent will one day be at 14 is the same thing as saying that the age of becoming an adult will be 14. And that will not happen with in any of our life times.