Well guys...it's done for real now.

last 3…

Yes no and yes


I wouldnt go as far as jumping ontop of it and blaiming synapse right away…

how long since you have ever had spray on it, have you been spraying without a proper tune? it goes back into my early V6 days which was almost 2 years ago…2 years of untuned spray will do a beating…and once the damage has been started, its hard not to finish it off even with the proper tune.

Morgan knows what hes doing. Hes a professional at it…I wouldn’t blame it on him, as of yet.

ok a little 35 wet shot, then for a short time 50 wet shot fogger is NOT going to do any damage. This was in the early days of the K20 late last year…It was only built Last September, so i don’t know where you got 2 years ago from.

I put the direct port on, went through a bottle, maybe two…NEVER did i go through ANY spark plugs, then all of a sudden i get tuned and go through 2 full sets of Iradium 8’s and then 2 Super Iradium 9’s?!? Specifically for nitrous applications! I don’t know how the fuck that happens. It should NOT be blowing through that many spark plugs, Oh and i don’t want to hear what happens to Tony’s either, he has a 150 shot and blew ONE plug and damaged a piston. My pistons aren’t damaged, but my valves are FUCKED from plugs blowing apart which should not happen. My trans am, it runs awesome with a 125 shot, no skipping, no plugs have blown off and i’ve gone through about 4 bottles in that. Couldn’t even get through a full bottle with the Civic without blowing plugs, it just shouldn’t happen…maybe once in a while, not every fucking time i spray.

are the ECU’s/KPro an adaptive unit, or are they like an AEM where what you set is al you get? like my car adjusts through the IAT, MAP and MAF for air density and temprature and change the timing and fueling values to go along with those changes. could be too cold out right now and the car is leaning out from the cooler, denser air after being tuned in a warm setting. if thats the case its still got nothing to do with morgan, and it should be re calibrated for the changes, or just take it easy when its not an ideal, warmer day for the tune

As far as I knew it had damaged plug one time, I didn’t know it kept happening. Each engine reacts differently to nitrous, and the plug tells you whats going on inside the cylinder. If it blows apart its obviously getting too hot. If you want Joey i’ll help you take the engine apart and fix it.

Word. :thumb

That is a hell of an offer Paul

You’ll see… :banana

i know thats how my car runs…the last time i ran at the track it was to cold for the tune…bitch was running lean all over the place…even with 120+ oct fuel…

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3227/2850573357_f8de305ed4.jpg?v=0 :ohnoes :wow :eek :runaway

not as bad as i anticipated, i always look towards the worst possible outcome when gauging issues with my car.

stop hyping up siena as the party king of the area… they aren’t even close :nod

Good guy right there! :number1

not sure where you got the information that he damaged a piston…no piston damage.

thats why you need to log runs and see whats going on…and make minor changes… :smile

here joey…heres your type of movie


ualbany>siena when it comes to partying

what happened there?

exactly what appears to have happened… it broke. a few times


$50 for the seats