Well that just sucks!

Found out today that I’m heading to California Monday for work. Well I decided to look at some maps of where I’ll be (Palmdale) and to see how far the Hard Rock Cafe was from my hotel (the wife and I collect shot glasses). Found out that I’ll be roughly 1hr from Mulholland Dr. yet I won’t have my bike :banghead.
That road looks like soooooo much fun!!!

Road isn’t nothing you can’t match here in NY or NE. The view may be a bit better buts that’s all. It’s worth doing to say you did it. It’s famous because they don’t have many roads like that on the Southern West coast that are easily accessible.

But yeah, overall I feel ya on not having the bike with fun roads nearby.

It is fun…for the cops :rofl

I spent some time out there a few weeks ago, in Oxnard, which is straight west of Palmdale on the coast. Mulholland is OK, I’ve driven better roads in the Adirondacks and the Catskills that have less idiots and good views… I didn’t feel like I was missing anything sans bike.

Nohomo and all that, but if you can catch a sunset on the Pacific, do it. You can’t do that on the east coast, obvious-fucking-ly, and it’s pretty cool.


Actually you can, just have to be at certain part of Cape Cod :tongue

I grew up in Hollywood, rent a bike and cruse mulholland! If I ever get a chance to move back I am out of here! Don’t get me started on the women there vs here. If we had private picture section I’d post some of my ex’s


In for private picture sextion
