:-( well the Nissan Pulsar is dead.

funny shit should have got a hold of me i would have been down to go haha fun stuff

so yeah


what happened that people keep citing?


I grew up in Valley View. Who is your daddy and what does he do?? :hay:

he doesnt post here, but in cliff notes

drove down emery park ski slope
did donuts on bottom, got stuck
calls me at like 1am, can you get me out with your truck
i tell him there’s no way, since I know the area and know I cant do it
he calls tow truck, etc
next morning goes to get car, it’s there…just behind a fence
criminal mischief, community service or some shit.


they fenced it in???

impounded it on the tow companies property

lol… that sucks… im picturing the base of holiday valley where the clock tower is with an a4 fenced in by the neon orange plastic fence… call me crazy but thats the image thats embedded in my head

I think I might be buying another pulsar, a 1992 this time. Im going to look at it tonight, cash in hand. Lol, great car…

that’s one of the funniest things i have heard/read in a while

haha you think its funny READING it… Omg, I think that was one of the best/worst/scariest nights of my life, haha.