:mad: We decided to take it out one more time before garaging it / selling it… Somehow we ended up, at the end of the night, sitting at the top of a popular ski clubs slope. We drove that fucker down the hill, and it was the most fun I have ever had in a car. Then we got to the bottom and realized the only way out was at the top. I spent 2 hours trying to drive that car back to the top of the hill, and I got as close as 20 feet one time. Couldnt make it, so we decided to try to drive through the woods at the bottom, hoping it would get us somewhere. Well, obviously it got stuck, and it was time for us to sadly part with our beloved “beater”. 3 hours later, we had walked back to OP from Colden, laughing all the way. I loved the Pulsar, but I guess we are better off without it.
Just wanted to make it known taht there will be no more riced out Nissan Pulsar roaming the streets of WNY.
Wait, so you left a mostly “running” car in the woods. That is great, months from now someone will find it and be like wtf, how did this get down here?
Never registered/insured/ anyhting in my name. I dont think its running anymore, the radiator broke while we were on the hill, the brakes were gone, and the tranny HAS to be fucked… Seriously, im going there in about 15 minutes, if someone wants to ride along, call my cell phone, 870-4084. I could use the company. and what did Rendyx do?
Ok, it has officially been pronounced dead… HRK came with, and after 2 hours of wandering the woods, we found my baby. Its dead. We took everything worth taking, and left her there. After kicking her windshiled in, that is.
Yeah, there are a few pics of it where it lies… I think I might go back later this week to grab a couple last things and what not… take a few more pics, and see if the owners of the house across the creek from it have done anyhting.
that car was very much high centered, and the best part is its within view of like 3 houses where it sits in the edge of the creek, lol
if we had a load of people, or a truck with a winch, we prolly could have yanked it off and into the creek, then drivin it up to the street, but oh well