went for a walk....

man u guys are brutalz

+2. i wish the spelling and picture taking Gestapo would leave eveyone alone, but that will never happen, but here is to wishing,

I wish you would capitalize the first word of the fucking sentence!

beaver’s started at them.

if i photo shop a car in the middle of the woods would you be happy then?
to 95% if you live in the city? i could walk to my mail box in the nude and no one would care.

The point is that many were “blaming” the poor pictures on the camera. It has nothing to do with the camera, it has everything to do with the douchebag taking the pictures. For reference, I’ve attached some photos taken in the low-resolution mode of my camera phone.

See, less doucheyness. Even some automotive content!

Lesson of the day: it’s not the camera; it’s the moron pushing the button.

Did anyone post “those pictures caused my eyes to bleed?” Because mine did. I was hoping the same happened to others, and we could all go in on a lawsuit together.

I’ve shit better looking pictures than those

I was esp. fond of the lack of any sort of space between the pictures in the post. That was a nice touch. Made it easy to see where one pile of steaming shit ended and the next began.

what is your favorite? mine has to be this one:


I call it “Blurry bottom of a stump near hole that may be water filled in winter” demonstrating how to:

  1. not use a flash properly
  2. not focus and
  3. not use a tripod when you have the shakes

I think they’re very avant-garde
