went for a walk....

Came in this thread. Was bored by awful photography. Posted, and am now leaving.

sweet. we should go riding lol. I’ll borrow my brother in law’s quad.

Nice land, are you located in somepalce, NY?

These are by far some of the worst photos I’ve EVER seen.

A simple point a shoot cam isn’t going to ttake the greatest picture also he doesn’t have any photoshop skill so… I guess,don’t compare to some of the other photographers on this site.

A simple point and shoot camera with anyone who has half a brain doesnt shoot blurry photos in broad daylight.

owning land > taking pics…

Haha yes.
While others are inside learing how to take pics…hes outside enjoying his well-earned land.
I agree with you.

Seriously the next time you get “board” and go for a walk… please don’t bring a camera, you are really shitty at taking pictures, I honestly laughed at half of them cause they are just terrible.

So instead of a camera take a knife or gun and stain the snow red

LoL, because he cant take a picture.

A little extreme if you ask me…

yes in NY, only 2 or 3 where the $50 camera. rest with a cell phone.

I was under the impression that this was familial land… :gotme:

how is suicide ever extreme… Many people a day do it. its perfect for the situation.

so what was your intended purpose of taking pictures?

Hi here is some random shit in the woods. hopefully someone will appreciate my genius?

Sounds about just as good as many General Automotive threads started here…

Just because you think he takes crappy pics, what makes you so much better? At least he’s trying. Somebody’s gotta start somewhere and sometime.

i don’t think this was intended as a “Hey, i got this new siqqq D40 camera like everyone else, and took some pics…check them out, not bad for my first time” thread…

i think it was more of a “i was out enjoying my property so i snapped a few pix…check them out bitches” thread.

thanks,as i said, most where cell phone pics.

No, it was like

“Haaaaay, here is some shit that NO ONE WILL BE INTERESTED IN”

Had that been the thread title, no one would be complaining.

Until then, stop blaming your faggotry on the camera, it is obviously a user error.

That doesn’t make any sense.:gotme:

whats up with the tree in the first pic?

I wish this forum had a button to keep dickheads out of threads. Keep the pics comeing I enjoyed them. Next time see if you could get some wildlife pics