The Rivers Casino

yes i do work in sports but this city is obsessed with it… i love the new stadiums but did we need them at the cost of the city infrastructure?

white collar pittsburgh doesnt work because this city is full of people who are uneducated and/or dont want to work. If you continue to become white collar you force people into having to go to college to get jobs… college isnt for everyone for a lot of reasons. If you force the blue collar people out i think pittsburgh loses part of what made it great. Sorry if i dont love casinos, and technology centers… i like its ethnic diversities and all the hoopla that goes with it… shit just turn on wqed, they show all the shit of why i love it here. U call it living in the past i call it living with traditions.

ur a such a nut riding idiot. didnt u learn in the other thread that no one likes you…

pirates brought in close to 90k fans this weekend, so there are still plenty of people goin… the pirates and casino are not competing for the same business, infact it may bring more people to the stadium and vice versa.

thats what i’m saying… the whole point it to get away… initially the eldery will come down to the rivers but its not about the gamling so much…its about gettin on a bus and goin to atlantic city, niagra falls…getting away from Pittsburgh.