The Rivers Casino

exactly down the road… im not wowwed by the bright pretty lights of the shinny new casino… im thinking about people that cant get a decent job. manufacturing would give them that. when the steel mills left they needed to get some other kinda production industry here…not sports and entertainment. Pittsburgh will never be white collar no matter how much they try… its a blue collar town. if you and mike what an oasis pittsburgh isnt the place… so maybe u need to move.


there’s so much irony in this post.

#2. Pittsburgh’s economy is now based on healthcare, education, technology, robotics, and financial services. AKA WHITE COLLAR JOBS. There’s no more manufacturing around here. :hsugh:
#3. It’s already the oasis you apparently fear. I have no problem with manufacturing, but does it really have to be right in downtown Pittsburgh? And don’t tell me to move fucknugget. You’re the one with your head up your ass and refuses to embrace the new, MUCH BRIGHTER, future.

Agree’d again.
sounds to me like cutty is jealous of the casino. as if he doesnt have the money to go there or something along those lines

Doesn’t he work for the pirates? Alot of people who dont care about the pirates anymore still go to games cuz its cheap and “something different to do…”

The casino is going to take some of those people away cuz the casino is also “something different to do”

Maybe thats where the pure hatred comes from :dunno:


I can’t understand it. It’s like he’s clinging to memories of an era he never even experienced. The old city was known as a cesspool of filth. New city is seen as a leader in technology, medicine, it’s green attitude… oh shit… THATS IT! He’s a well known environment hater. Does burnouts on earth day just to be a dick.

New Pittsburgh is clean and thriving.

Oh shit… I finally figured it out!

Cutty is Duke Nukem from Captain Planet!!!

nail on the head kevin gonna loose his job now that noone goes there and spends thier 80 bucs in the chance to actually win something unlike the pirates

The health care bubble will burst. Also the new thing is GREEN :rolleyes:

I love to gamble, drink booze and smoke cigarettes. Pittsburgh is the last destination want to gamble and drink booze :rofl:

What attractions can i stumble outside the rivers and go see when i’m liquored up ???

1: steelers :zzz: TV is 10x better
2: pirates :zzz: who are they ?
3: science center. Maybe to catch a midnight showing of a lazer show /IMAX.
4: South side :rolleyes:

Name some more

yes i do work in sports but this city is obsessed with it… i love the new stadiums but did we need them at the cost of the city infrastructure?

white collar pittsburgh doesnt work because this city is full of people who are uneducated and/or dont want to work. If you continue to become white collar you force people into having to go to college to get jobs… college isnt for everyone for a lot of reasons. If you force the blue collar people out i think pittsburgh loses part of what made it great. Sorry if i dont love casinos, and technology centers… i like its ethnic diversities and all the hoopla that goes with it… shit just turn on wqed, they show all the shit of why i love it here. U call it living in the past i call it living with traditions.

ur a such a nut riding idiot. didnt u learn in the other thread that no one likes you…

pirates brought in close to 90k fans this weekend, so there are still plenty of people goin… the pirates and casino are not competing for the same business, infact it may bring more people to the stadium and vice versa.

thats what i’m saying… the whole point it to get away… initially the eldery will come down to the rivers but its not about the gamling so much…its about gettin on a bus and goin to atlantic city, niagra falls…getting away from Pittsburgh.

Can’t compete with a casino.
What other company can set up a Temporary $50 million building,
Make hundreds of millions and tear that temporary building down then build a $150 million building
Common sense says. Taxation for the stupid.

3,000 machines bringing in 10’s of millions a year. It’s not rocket science.

u got it wrong shaggy… they built the 150 million building then tore the temp one down… your so fucking dumb sometimes.

what??? meadows was 10’s of millions temp building fuckhead

what is so hard to spell YOU also.

I am confused, dumbass truck drivers :rolleyes:

at the cost of what city infrastructure? What is all this infrastructure that is so bad?

white collar pittsburgh doesnt work because this city is full of people who are uneducated and/or dont want to work. If you continue to become white collar you force people into having to go to college to get jobs… college isnt for everyone for a lot of reasons. If you force the blue collar people out i think pittsburgh loses part of what made it great. Sorry if i dont love casinos, and technology centers… i like its ethnic diversities and all the hoopla that goes with it… shit just turn on wqed, they show all the shit of why i love it here. U call it living in the past i call it living with traditions.

This city has just as many people who ARE educated and want to work. And it’s not forcing people to go out and get a college education either. We need to rebuild industry, I totally agree with you on that. HOWEVER, do we really want steel mills right in the middle of downtown Pittsburgh again? There’s not going to be any less jobs if the steel mill is upriver or downriver and not right in the middle of our beautiful city.

And you’re killing me with this “people want to get away from Pittsburgh” bullshit. Yeah, you live right in Pittsburgh. So obviously it’s not that much of a draw for you. But if you DONT live in Pittsburgh, then it IS a credible destination. Are you really that close minded? I mean the organization that you work for wouldn’t exist if people didn’t want to come into Pittsburgh…

What does Pittsburgh really offer entertainment for adults, That live 10+ miles away.
Besides the big 4. Panthers steelers pens pirates.

Open my mind. not arguing , just asking.

Don’t say south side, because every town has a bar/club/pub/tavern just as fun.

zoo /ppg aquarium badass
mueseums they are ok.
science center. cool.
convention center, see cars from local car shows - lame
but what else

Phipps Conservatory
National Aviary
Heinz Hall
Station Square
Southside Works
Heinz Regional History Center
Shaggy’s Mom
Fort Pitt Museum
Andy Warhol Museum
Gateway Clipper
Summer concerts
The inclines

Sorry I got to this so late…

The casino was a big part of the reason about 5 large Contractors are still in business after the failing economy. That was the only giant job going on in the Pittsburgh area until the Arena started. These contractors employee somewhere around 5-6 thousand employees in this area counting all of the union contractors.

We have been watching PA tax money being grabbed up by WV for years with the casino right across the line. This will keep the money in the Pittsburgh area where it should be.

let me tell you about the bang up job local contractors did on PNC park… the stadium authority was forced into using local contractors…i understand the reason but every year since its been here they’ve had to fix stuff that should have lasted 20 plus years. you wouldnt believe how much concrete has fell apart at PNC…and it doesnt get salt on it either.

that great that monay jobs stayed but if the product sucks then what are those jobs really worth? Sorta like city school teachers…the product they are producing isnt condusive to their pay.

and who’s to say that wouldn’t have happened if other contractors were used?

company my uncle works for does repairs, they’ve worked on camden yards, jacobs field, etc etc… He said that the repairs they are doing on PNC and Heinz every off season is because of poor work and rushed work. you cant sit here and say what if company x built it instead of company Y …you can only judge on what was done by company Y.

Dude, you’re whining and bitching that there’s no blue collar jobs. Then you’re whining that when local companies DO get a job, that they do a shit job.

You’re all over the place on this one.

You hate welfare.

You think we need to spend more on public works/public safety

You hate the casino that creates thousands of welfare-replacing jobs and millions in local tax revenue that could fund more public works and public safety.

You hate that there’s no blue collar jobs in Pittsburgh.

You hate the fact that local companies built your stadium.

You hate the fact that Pittsburgh has cleaned up and is actually nice.

You hate that the Pittsburgh economy is so invested in sports and entertainment.

You work for the local professional baseball team.

:hsugh: :hsugh: :hsugh:

downtown pittsburgh is not nice or clean. there are pockets of clean areas but on the whole, downtown is a mess. Redd-up is joke. Oakland is still a mess as is many other neighborhoods. The boy scouts do 10 times the job that any public works employees but the city is forced to keep re-hiring criminals because of backdoor politics and shitty union deals. THey cited a guy in my neighboor for littering when he was cleaning up stuff and leaving piles for the city workers to come by and pick up. many neighborhoods have main streets with multiple boarded up business. some of the reasons are because of crime and the lack of support from the city and PD. The average Pittsburgher isnt gonna see much benifit from g20, casino, and all these other big projects… its go to be the simple things like clean paved roads, garbage free streets, cleaned up vacant lots, torn down crack houses…etc and how about re-opening all the neighborhood pools that have closed… wtf is with that? I know these big projects are supposed to make these things possible but they should have been done before… we should have been getting federal grants to fix bridges, pave roads…not build railways to the northside.

i hate the fact the local companies built the stadiums and then did a shitty job when the stadium authority was forced to use them. I would have expected the best from local businesses building a stadium in their hometown.