went out for lunch ...

…and found some rice :down:


that is nice:ugh2:

was it in ur parking space when u walked out?:kekegay:

what is it? a 3kgt?

some wigger in a black 3000 gt on mcknight. shit was riced out fully, street glows stickers, big mitzu logo on the back window, that ugly wing, rims, bangin sounds, etc, etc… he gave me a look when i took that pic then he got behind me and got to see what a blazer tailgate looks like up close.

nice wing

I have the pleasure of seeing that car all the time. the kid lives out here on 28 somewhere?

The car didn’t have a fake roof scoop by chance did it? If so i’ve seen that car out near Rt.8 before.

thats awesome

:embarassd :embarassd :wtf: :hahano: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Chinchila shift boot cover :squint:

I see that car on a regular basis, he comes into work at advanced all the time and buys stupid ass stereo shit, next time he comes in I’ll get better pics with my digi cam



Your giving him way too much pride. Hes going to see everyone taking pictures of his car. I see that POS atleast once a week around here. I live in aspinwall.

ricers rock. im gettin a civic. fuck the dakota.

wtf how did my deleted post come back :bowrofl:

I wonder if he hangs his laundry on that wing…as soon as I saw the pic I said thats on Mcknight rd .I live in west view its rice central .Guess I fit right in.

Lives on RT.8 , Comes to the me for answers on strange questions, sorry i had to get in on this one cause from what i hear round here he’s suppose to be opening his own shop up doing everything he has done to his car, yes including his fake roof scoop, for ventalation while traveling at high speeds on McKnight haha, But ya anyways you could drop by his house and do a full layout of pics, if anybody sees him ask about his sponcership, he’ll tell you all about it.

:bowrofl: !!! Thanks for chiming in, we needed some kind of truth to this ricer accusation lol

ever see that on 3kgt… its yellow with back vinlys on it black rims? The guy lives in New ken but I see it on 28 all the time. Dual fart cans and all?