Went out to the strip club with Choko came back with...

Almost 60 ft/lbs extra nice job Justin!!!

Shitty video quality when it got txted to me the quality got killed

Also traction control was on for the 1 > 2 shift.


sounds so good. I need more noise.

those numbers look right on the money for what I expect.

Sounds great!

Too bad whoever recorded this, couldn’t turn their fucking phone sideways.

Granny shifting. Not double clutching.


This just got there :tup:

However I doubt I will put them on till winter looking at superchargers first :tup:

Dat ass

I got a quote on wheels from CCW I will probably copy this guys setup


However I really want to do the front widebody also

Wider is better. :tup:


what’s involved with the install? Just remove replace?


That picture isn’t with the front wide body right? Looks normal to me.

Pretty much some inner fender stuff changes its another 300-400 in misc parts but for the most part bolt on.

However it will look dumb with out new wheels/tires and if I decide I want to redo the front I don’t want to buy wheels/tire twice.

On the blower side of things ECS kit with with meth 7-8psi should make 600-650rwhp on low timing there are guys making much more on stock bottom end however around 600 is considered “safe” but who knows.

Should be enough to meet my goal of running 10s on street tires/wheels and trapping 130+

Yea rear wide stock front


Got these mounted up for the track



I ended up getting my wife a new daily driver which pushed out my blower plans however im going to get a cam next month and do the blower next spring/summer. The cam is designed for a blower but people also run it NA with great success should make around 480rwhp.

The cam will also bump up the my target RWHP for the low boost blower setup.

I have no intentions of making this much however the company im getting the blower from has done this quite a few times

#3 Base Kit, ECS Alky Control System, ARH LTs, ECS Big Blower Camshaft Package, Stock Bottom End 833rwhp/732rwtq”

Are you going to use one of the ECS blower cams? I have an ECS kit on my 2007 C6 being tuned right now and am trying to decide on a cam to install over the winter.

Yes im letting ECS do everything was going to get their big blower cam.

Looking good. When is the rain finished? 1.5 60ft if you let me do it. Jus sayin

