West End Meet...every wednesday

i might. what time?

9:30 as usual, timmies at 10th and derry

Ill let you know, there is a chance I will show up :slight_smile:

It all depends on if work sends me away again

i ask because i haven’t been in a loooong while.

thanks buddy. :slight_smile:

haha benson, you bettter come you owe me 20 bucks, coffee and a donut =P the donut and coffee are interest LOL jkz jkz

haha hope to see ya there big-byrd

multisynclg: i already posted on the takeit2thetrack.ca forum

Hopefully Ill show up next week o.o!!

you damn well better show man, or i’ll send a gundam after yur damn zaku

anyone going to the meet today???

what time does the meet go untill???
i get off work at 11? would anyone still be around by 11:30ish???

most ppl stay until 11:30-12 but count me out tonight the weather blows and i dont really feel like coming out

Some people ruined it for tonight, peel cops came and ID most of the guys cause our cars are suspect in a RONA incident which none of us even left the meet.
Overall there were 6 people there :.

LOL, Ryan did u see that cop that cut us both off near the weston/islington ramp to collectors? hahahah! what a jerk.

f’n oinker!
i thought i was gonna get a ticket, he was up my ass. Luckily for me i was using cruise control so i deccellerated.

lol it wasnt that bad, coulda been worse we just need to work on the turnout which is pathetic for a club of this size. good times all around though

couldn’t make it.

next time.

Yeah I couldnt make it either =(

boo you suck, be more like blade, jack rides off of people haha we had a great time, so great that the cops invited themselves to our meet =P

Where the cops praising the JDM tyteness which dominated the lil parking lot? and all Vtec Just kick in yo!? or were they all like Vtecs weaksos YO, and FWD Sucks? =) I honestly hope thats what i missed out on. Ill probably start jacking rides off ppl if owrst comes to worst, if I cant get my car on the road =(, and let me know if your going also.

lol yeah, just let me know, you got my number biatch lolz


Who’s Coming out??