west end meet tommorow, big one before june 10 and 11th

hey guys i hope tommorow the weather is good so we can have our meet , am it would be good if alot of people show up so we can all discuss the arrangement for depature on sunday from sq 1 , am yea thats about it .

Boo can’t make it :frowning:

ill be poping by to say whats up…what time do you guys get there at?

usually 9:30-10:00

Sorry, where exactly are these (i’m closer to the east end)?

I may swing by.

Usually at The tim Hortons on Derry road just west of 10th line.

Althought lately there have been more and more ricer idiots drag racing that area…

i may stop by if im in the area.

I double as a Bollywood stunt-lover every Wed. night, although I may
have a free schedule this week, in which case I will drop by.

I’ll come by for sure…

trinituner swing by timmies on Islington inbetween bloor and queensway at the ususal TSR meet after 10ish…

ill be there 2morrow, shift_ka dont be weak pass by derry and 10th me and lith are coming from downtown and im sure u live closer then we do

Hmmm…Mayybe…Currently putting a cherry bomb muffer in place of the stock resonator…went back to 2 1/4 piping from the 3" catback. Sounds ok…quieter tho thats all i care about now. :slight_smile: