West Side meet tonite?

im always around 403 n dundasiies, look for a nast 13, go dr on the bak, and a big white dude beeting the snot of it. approch me , and be ready to laff. e z all

by go dr , i ment go drift…

I agree with Benson, 403/Dundas is pure heat. 10th/Derry is way better, less cops and less idiots, therefore less problems.

When the meets start again I’ll be going to 10th / derry, it may be farther for me but I don’t like to “hang out” at that “other place” to many morons for me.

Coolz, lemme know where and i’ll be there haha hopefully by then i can get my car moving

im always around 403 n dundasiies, look for a nast 13, go dr on the bak, and a big white dude beeting the snot of it. approch me , and be ready to laff. e z all

by go dr , i ment go drift…

An example of that would be some tool with a black s13 drifting in the parking lot os 403/Dundas this weekend. Seriously, if you want to drift take it to the track or a secluded area, not in the middle of a freaking parking lot. And then people wonder why cops are always showing up when there are a bunch of modified cars.

hey pussy u problem with my drifting, please, do come tell me off in person next time youme there doing it. yll be seeing me a lot this summer at traxks to fucker so dont fuck with me. what u think i bought this piece of shit for?

aint gonna argue with you, being irresponsible like that in a public place does stand out. then again, the irresponsible ones will fuck up eventually. i dont think he was directing it to you S13destroyer but he is explaining a point why some places have become not so modified friendly.

Well thanks for proving my point with your ignorance. I don’t know who you are, and I don’t know if that was you; I was across at a resturaunt and I saw some idiot in a blck s13 drifting. Don’t you realize that drifting in a parking lot full of people is just stupid. You wanna go to the track and drift, by all means, go ahead, atleast if you crash your car there you won’t take out innocent people drinking coffee.

k guys obviously its a little bit stupid, but with the all the faggot honda drivers doin their one wheel peels all nite , i had to shut em all up some how, and beleive me, i wouldnt be doin it if i had a feeling i would wipe out. ive been practicing hard with my buddy in his corrolla, and hvaent had a close call yet. i knwo my limits.

Your obviously not pushing hard enough if you havnt had a close call yet…You know im Michael Schumacher and “ive never spun out or had an accident in my years of racing”…or…“I can out drink anyone and not throw up or die of alc poisoning”…Those honda guys are just as wrong as you are…You drifting will not stop them…and FYI every burnout, drift, bov sound, wheel chirp and loud ass stereo that people hear and see standing around they laugh…and comment on how much of an faggot that person must be trying to be hot shit. Your not a faggot…just dont be one.

Theres nothing more to say…Dundas/401 is Heaat because of people like you…which is the reason the more inteligent species stick it to quieter locations where we dont get bothered for tickets while were showing off what we have done and talking about cars and girls.

west side 240 fight meet. that shit wud be bananas

If I see you in my area drifting in a stupid unsafe enviroment I’ll call the cops on you in a heart beat. If you have a problem with that feel free to confront me anytime you like.


:2007: :hsugh:

Some reason I picture you as this:

And if you make a pass at my mom again I’ll show up at your house and post comments on SON!

I love how the first thing the newbs do is start threatening long time respected members.

GT-101 isn’t really a long time or respected member.