What air compressor would you reccomend?

I just got this. Husky 19 gal, 1.5HP. More stats for lazy folks: 155 max psi, 4.0 cfm @ 90psi 6.0 @ 40. It was somewhat of an impulse buy so after doing research it seems maybe like it will not be enough? I want a larger one that I can still plug into the socket. Whats out there? What are you using and how is it?


First question you need to ask yourself and anyone else is WHAT do you want tol use it for? with SPECIFICS

Yeah, it all depends on what you want to do with it. Air tools, painting etc.

General garage stuff. Must be able to run a DA, impact wrench, die grinder etc. for more than 2 minutes before running out and having to wait until the tank fills again.

that’ll run an impact ok for short periods, it won’t run a DA very well

It wont run really a DA or die grinder

You need a someting twice that size

Haror Freight has a awesome compressor for $400

Its 12.6 CFM at 90psi I think

its 220 but you can use a dryer or oven outlet/circuit

I owned one. Reasonably quiet and you can paint with it as well

i have a craftsman 33gal from sears, it’ll run grinders and DAs fine, but not for long, which becomes a huge PITA when i’m in a good rythm and want to get things done.