What am I? *POLITICAL*

I’ve never really considered myself “Conservative” or “Liberal”. “Republican” or “Democrat”. I don’t seem to really fit into either category. This is actually quite annoying, because people say “Friggin Liberals” or “Damn conservatives”, and I feel like I am always shunned no matter which way I think.

I believe everyone should own a gun. I think gun laws are too strict and only hurt the honest.

I am pro choice. If someone wants to get an abortion, so be it. But it shouldn’t be used as birth control.

I am for the death penalty. But something more swift and cost effective. I also believe repeat offenders of certain types of crimes should be sterilized.

I think there are too many taxes.

I don’t think the government should dictate how a person lives or what they choose to do. At least not the federal government.

I think we need to stop playing the police of the world and just let it be known that if you cause a ruckus we will fuck you up and then litter your land with Mc Donalds and Starbucks.

Not sure what other topics to cover. But I would honestly like to know where I stand for my own purposes. Not that a label will change how I think, but sure would help.

Liberal Republican if you like. Republican Liberal if you dont. :lol

lol, I figured Democrat and Liberal went together?

democrat usually refers to liberals, republicans as conservative, but stop trying to label yourself as one of the mainstream political parties that are the same thing, stop trying to label yourself at all. if you don’t believe you fit into any political party, you don’t have to, just know what you believe in.




other than maybe, homeless

Judging from what you wrote you’re definitely more Conservative leaning. The only statement you made that goes against what a true conservative believes is the abortion thing. I don’t like to be labeled either since where I stand depends on the issue. Plus just because you’re Conservative doesn’t mean you’re a Republican. There are millions of Conservative Democrats and Liberal Republicans.

This might be for you: http://www.modernwhig.info/

Thanks for the replies. I’m really not looking for a label. I was really just looking to see where I fit in.

Well hopefully you don’t “fit” perfectly into any one group and you look at any issue objectively and formulate and informed opinion about it.

Well, what makes a Democrat or a Republican?
What makes a conservative or a liberal?

I think that will be what I look up next.

honestly in my opinion it’s all BS propetuated by both parties to help them centralize political power in the country. I mean how often do an independent candidate really have a significant affect on an election. Not to sound like pitman, but it’s the preverbial giant douche and turd sandwich choice. You really only have 2 viable choices and you have to pick who you think will screw you over less.

Traditionally Democrats are liberals and believe in large governments that are more involved in our daily lives. They believe in the “greater good” and people being more equal rather than the emphasis on the individual. They believe in as many social programs as the government can create. They are more pro-choice and more pro gay marriage.

Republicans are generally more conservative. They believe in much smaller government and much less government interference in daily life. They believe in the individual and individual rights rather than welfare for all. They tend to be more religious and thus have problems with gay rights and abortion. They tend to follow the words of the founding fathers and the constitution more closely when making decisions.

Hope this helps you a little.

I’m pretty much on the same page bro. FUCK labels. I prefer to think of myself as BADASS. Oh, and FUCK POLITICS.

You’re a mix, right in the middle on average, but you have some polarizing views on certain things. If I were you, I’d worry less about summing up your political life in one word and instead focus on defining and understanding what you believe and why you believe it so you can use your convictions to throw things at the TV.

And liberal does not equal Democrat and conservative does not equal Republican. That is where the current ideologies tend to lie in partisan politics but they are definitely not synonymous.

Edit: PS I thought OP was a riddle.