What do you DISLIKE about your political party?

It’s safe to say that most people on here (at least the ones actively engaging in political discussions) are fairly partisan in their political beliefs, which isn’t a bad thing necessarily. I wanted to hear what people dislike about their own party and what you’d like to see changed, opposed to blaming everyone else.

(no finger pointing… ie: mad that they let bush get elected or something retarded).

It should be interesting to see what people have to say. try to be original too… there should be enough material for most everyone to get their $0.02 in

I’ll start.

I’m currently registered as a conservative and generally agree with old school republican “less government intervention/regulation, more small businesses” beliefs, but find myself wanting to re-register as an independent.

with that said, I really wish they’d stop backing religion. I understand that a lot of their base is religious, but it’s just as bad as special interests and IMO, it’s ruining the party or at least turning a lot of people off. This includes abortion, gay rights, decisions based purely on religion instead of whats good for the country and anything else tied to that.

I don’t support “holiday vacation” though… it’s Christmas vacation, deal with it. (or anything else designed to coddle people that are that easily offended)

Democrat, obviously.

-Strict gun control- Criminals don’t get permits for their guns.
-Affirmative Action- The most qualified should get the job/into the school. Not taking a lesser person because of their race.
-Gas mileage restrictions on cars- I like V8’s.
-Eminent domain. Not cool.

That’s all I can come up with for now. I’m sure I’ll think of more.

wow, I’m surprised that Joe and I are the only ones yet to respond

I am a conservative. I hate:

That we pander to the old people in FL, giving them handout after handout to keep them voting.

That we have strayed away from less government. I want less government

That we have feel now (mccain does at least) that scum bags that bought too much house should get the principal reduction. I am still living at home, because I am not in the position to buy a house (was too busy being deployed 3 times to get a normal job)

That we strayed from the constitution. The interstate commerce clause doesn’t give congress the power to do anything they want. But they feel that its our job to pump trillions into failed banks, just because they deal state to state. It also gives congress the so called power to regulate, guns, alcohol…

That my party thinks that abortion is so evil. I think that every staunch pro-life person would change their tone if their 14 year old daughter came home knocked up. I rather do a bad thing for a few hours, than have a kid raised in a bad situation for the rest of their life.

I have alot more. But as bad as the repubs are, the democrats are just bat shit crazy.

I all, I am FUCKING stick and tired of these parties, both of them, buying votes with MY money. The scum of this country keeps getting handouts, wic, welfare, medicaide (I am complaining about the 20-60 year olds not retired, that are just lazy). We need as a country to realize that times are tough, and not everything you do in life is backed by the government. Thats just life. Sorry for ya. I have been out of work 4 times because of deployments and other issues, thats just life, its a bitch.

Sit down for a second, and realize that NO ONE in this forum will get social security, even though each of us have spent thousands and thousands on it. NO one here will geta mortgage break, cause your not a scum bag. We have to realize that the gravy train came off the tracks. Credit as we knew it is gone for our life time. Our parents, and us, overspent on college, cars, plazma tv’s… and now we have to actually pay back that money. The debt that was created is killing this country, and fast. Rant over.

John McCain is too liberal!

lol well… it was worth a shot, but not entirely surprising :lol:

(thanks for those that participated :tup: )

I dislike five major things with “my” Republican party:

  1. Pandering to Christianity. Fuck the Evangelicals…
  2. NEO CON abandonment of principals of small government
  3. Use of FUD to sell ideas instead of common sense
  4. Clinging to the idea that Trickle-Down economics work (we’ve known since the days of Reagan they don’t!)
  5. Pro-Life - WHAT THE FUCK guys, what happened to “small government” and leave-alone (see above re: pandering to religion)

Most of this is thanks to GWB & Cheney and co. - but

Edit - Make that 5… sigh

As is previously stated in this thread already, I do not like that the government has so much power over everything. I believe in small government that is there to protect it’s people from being invaded, and to step in when things are getting uber fucked up. Other than that…leave me the fuck alone. I am also against all this political correctness, this is America, unless you are being very stupid like calling 911 for shits and giggles or something to that extent, or causing a puplic safety hazard (yelling fire in a crowded area where there is none), you should be able to say whatever you want without anybody telling you differently.

Im liberal

  • I hate democratic primaries. I understand old-boy republicanism andf selecting the candidate early on isn’t the BEST way to do things, but dems chew eachother out early on wasting valuable campaigning time…
  • I differ on alot of financial issues. Taxes. I understand that rich people have more money, but ALOT of them work very hard for it… esp small buisness owners who end up getting fucked by well meaning policies ment to help the less fortunate. Lets get proactive and make welfare participants work. Limit welfare to time scales, ect.
  • I dont particularly like abortion, but i am staunchly pro choice. I wish dems would fight harder for sexual education programs and tell abstinece-only repubs to f-off. its unrealistic and dangerous.
  • I hate the hope and a dream message without a TANGIBLE WAY TO PROVIDE IT! case in point. SURE tax the shit out of the rich, but make it fair. offer to give tax deductions for all cheritable donations. yes we will tax your riches, but every dollar you donate, the US govn’t will consider a tax write off. donate 500k to breast cancer research? 500k less you have to pay in taxes.

I am registered republican and conservative.

I dont like McCain or Palin.

Thats why I am voting Obama.

I’d also like to add I’m against both parties’ stances on marijuana. Legalize the shit and tax it already. Stop wasting a huge amount of resources and funneling american dollars into the black market and out of the country.

i have never smoked pot, dont like pot, will never smoke pot but +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1

our over crowded jails are in part due to minor drug offenses. Pot isn’t even close to as dangerous health-wise as cigs, and not nearly as inebriating as alcohol. drop the pious attitude and make it legal and tax it.