What are YOU doing today?

ive been fighting back this monstrosity of a poop for like 2 hours. the last toilet i looked at, at school had a nice long stringy pube hair. that turned me away from ALL toilets. except library ones.

I don’t like dumping next to other peeps, prefer handicap stall.

yesss! +rep to you, i cant stand to dump near anyone… ill pinch if for an hour just to have my privacy!!

I take hella dumps too. Like 3-4 times per day usually.

i used to be on a strict dump schedule. 10am break at work, then around 2pm break and another when i got home at like 5. but since i stopped drinking as much coffee, the dump quantity has decreased.

also, the dump quality has decreased, this, makes me upset.

Roger bacon 1st level has aite shitstalls. :wink:

Lots of coffee + protein shakes + jack3d makes me DUMP A LOT

Buncha shit ITT

Studying and pooping and then back to just studying

Coffee makes me shot within an hour. Everytime

The best dumps are on the clock.

Blew pretty much my entire day cleaning and organizing. Starting my new job tomorrow so I wanna be squared away.

Driving to florida baby

congrats on new job

landshark is the shit! I was psyched when they started carrying it at bars here.

Drinking Landshark makes me feel like Jimmy Buffett.

listening to a fucking bitch, id rather use the “C” word, complain and piss and moan and do all that woman shit, about how i never want to come back to campus 20 minutes away and hang out in her shitty siena townhouse. yeah im gonna need lots of beer to get through this night

I can’t wait to slap those sluts with my cock in the fall. Fuck them.

yeah, im ready to gtfo there. i cant stand that place and all of its bullshit. itd however be different if i lived on campus. the main difference being the amount of STD’s id manage to catch

Get a townhouse with me in the fall. :rofl