Aww you poor bastids lol
I justtttt downloaded the lastest apple update which makes my computer faster… If I look at porn its gonna slow my bitch righttt back down, but Il keep it in mind.
wang wang FTW! i gotta restock my 32oz’ers!
Going here:
Z31!!! lol Nice.
And toast. Gotta have the toast.
I am currently dumping an ass load of email out of peoples accounts who just let it build up and take up space on our servers. Technically I am supposed to call them, but I just dump it if they haven’t checked it.
Oldest Daughter’s softball practice tonight.
20 gigs of mail, gone.
Doing emergency repair work to the tooling surface of a brand new mold for a carbon fiber component because this new type of mold release I tried out FUCKING BLOWS. FibRelease from Fibreglast, FUCK YOU! :banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead
I went to the Stadium driving range with 6spd_eg and amdisthebest today. Twas a good time. We definitely need a shift Mill Rd. outing SOON.
I think this was after amd’s club head went flying 75 yards down the field. :rofl
Just did a 12 hour shift that included a seizure, and a rollover that needed Med Flight
THAT SECOND CAR! I fell in love with it in GT5
Haha good shot chris! Nick’s driver’s head went a solid 50 yards!
The same thing happened to me there years ago when I first switched to a graphite shaft driver. hah
sitting in class ready to commit suicide…
GOLFING! With Sully. :rofl