What are YOU doing today?

Mountain biking in Gallatin Tenessee, then going to mmy cousins wedding/reception and having a few too many adult beverages.

Hopefully getting out of work later tonight and playing Gears 3 beta. Maybe…

going to pay my credit card bill and hoping they dont fuck up this time and then trying to get my ipod fixed or replaced and at some point hooking up my Edge tuner.

Girls pos Malipoo wouldnt start this morning, so drove her to work in Kingston, have to kill time until 4pm now. Woo

Hitting the beach today, 90s all week down here

fucking working from home again today. hooray for 60 hour work weeks!

Doing a turbo swap on a buddies car. Dumpy subarus…

quick work out, need to grab some cleaning supplies for the show, buying the evo 4g <already got batts from kicklow…you welcome for the plug> then napping rest of day before i leave for show.

Im also leaving for a show tonite lol

bahahah i was thinking o leaving 4am or so. What time were you thinking dave?

Im leaving at like 5-6pm to get to RI and party with everyone I know out there. Then the show Im going to is 9am in Mass

ah so your going a diff show. for a sec i was stoked thinking i had someone to cruise with to streetwars<insert all alone pic here>

lol New England Dustoff for me.


its a big hang out for the StanceWorks Northeast crew lol

…but dave…street wars=for the boobies. Do it for all the girls earning their way into college. Lol i kid have a good trip buddy and drive safe

At the Yankees game right now!

just played 18 holes. Was wayyy too cold. lol

Fuck work

Yes haha glad I couldn’t come.