What are YOU doing today?

Sure, but I dont have black yet. I will in a week or so.

What colors do u have?

White, chrome and black chrome

Can I have a white?

Flying back from Vegas.

Yeah I’ll PM you when its cut.


Patiently waiting to bust out of work so I can enjoy the warm weather.

Touring mtsu… in the fucking rain.

It’s SPRINGFEST at HVCC. :rofl

Springfest includes the following events:

Wednesday, April 27
Events begin at 11 a.m. at the Student Pavilion
Cotton Candy
Snow Cones
Dunking Booth
Psychic Booth
Food begins at 11:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. or while supplies last

Thursday, April 28
Most events will be located in the Joe Bruno Stadium
Food begins at 11:45 a.m., while supplies last
Musical chairs
Relay race
Meet and greet HVCC sports teams
11:30 a.m. Parade of Clubs
Begins in front of the Parking Garage
The parade is meant to promote each club while creating awareness for those who may not be familiar with them. This will reflect the sustainability and diversity of student life at HVCC.
Noon Viking Cup 2: Students vs. Faculty & Staff Kickball Game
Joseph L. Bruno Stadium
6 p.m. Battle of the Bands
Maureen Stapleton Theatre
The top eight bands will make it to perform live!
Turn in a demo CD by to the Student Activities Office by Wednesday, April 20.
7 p.m. Entertainment provided by B Martin and Xavier
Maureen Stapleton Theatre

working and then helping my dad take out the old countertops so we can have the new granites installed… this is gonna be a bitfh

granite countertops ftw

I cut and installed my own granite, shit was SUPER SRS.

I need to buy a light bulb today. [Reminding myself]

Double-post / wrong post :rofl

Working til 3 then heading up to Mount Washington to hike and ski Tuckerman Ravine and surrounding runs.

Eating breakfast, going to class @ 1, drinking while repairing a hole in a townhouse wall, and then drinking some more while bumbling down to the dumb car show and mocking everybody’s vehicle that is entered on this site.

Buying and mounting new tires!!

going to gym on campus-paper planes-feast-fast5-wiz kalifah pregame

Getting an inspection, then driving to the bronx. Fml.