What are YOU doing today?

going back to A.S.S in a bit to talk to darryl about next phase of s4 build and shoot the shit.

Heading to Philadelphia, NY to repair an ATM.

the rds are fun…not so much drive safe buddy

Work then hockey game.

Court then work. Hopefully I get parking on pavement…

trying to learn an entire semester of math today…

having a kid tell me he wants to fight me and trying to get me to come meet up to fight with him. hanging out at my house loling at him talking big

one of my housemates just left so I’m converting his room into a bar. Its a pretty large bar.

I’m like 10 min away, text next time niKKa

playing LA Noire for the rest of the night

ditto johnny, you sexboxin’ or gaystation?

sexy boxin, the game is mad fun so far! just got promoted to vice but im gonna slow down playing and do some more of the “side” type missions.

Word, I was in Watertown right after and I ended up in Brownville for another problem. You’d love to hear the problem with the ATM that I drove that far for, I specifically asked the bitch to check for stuck keys on the keypad… she says it’s fine and still doesn’t work. I get there, the ‘0’ key on the keypad is cocked to the side from welfare recipient gunk, I fuckin hit they key and it pops back. Cleaned the keypad and drove away… 3hrs 20min drive because people are dumber than bricks (and dirtier to boot).

you got paid though, no?

going to work, gonna be sore as fuck because I did my heavy workout this morning before work instead of after. I got fucked around so I have to come in at 10 instead of 8 like a ‘normal’ Wednesday

Just got a bj. Going back to sleep.

Fuck the fuck yea! 10.5hr day FTW

give me job nao

Yeah, game is definitely fun, I’m about the same place you are. Too bad I’m on ps3…forever trombone :frowning:

hell yeah, getting on it right now lol, shit is sooo much fun