What are YOU doing today?

Woke up 430 am. Showered. Ate breakfast. Drove to NJ. Sat through 8 hours of meetings. Drove home. Just had a few cold ones and getting ready to sleep.

Working 11-11 out of Quail street. Bleh.

At the dentist. I hate this goddamnshittymotherfuckingchickenshitBULLSHIT.

working then running in a race

i hate the dentist, went the other day, first time in 4 years. glad i went tho, as my dental insurance runs out since i graduated but theyre covering an extra 90 days. gotta have the wisdoms pulled to avoid future problems (non forseeable) just to play it safe. as bad as it is, my teeth feel sooo much cleaner now and its nice to have the piece of mind everything is good

Doing a timing belt on my dad’s tdi :confused:

Dude, if they say you need to get the wisdom teeth pulled, get that shit done NOW. I didn’t listen, just let them come in. Had no room and they actually cracked and broke the wisdom teeth and the ones next to them. Stupid amounts of fucking pain because I’m stubborn asshole

fucking with nick primero as much as possible

yeah, i am getting them done now, im not chancing them and having them cause future problems… three are actually already grown in and 1 is about half way out, but they just said while insurance covers it to get it done!

Your lucky they’re not impacted. My gf’s bottom wisdom teeth were coming completely sideways. Mine are the same as your’s, 3 in, 1 half in. Goin to the dentist in a few weeks, hopefully they leave em alone…

^I had three that were impacted and had to be surgically removed. Needless to say that is sucked but it was worth not having future problems or crooked teeth. The dentist that removed them was an old WWII veteran so, although he was awesome, I didn’t get much sympathy. I swear he put his foot on my jaw to wrench those bastards out.

yeah thats what i was hoping, but after she said ill be knocked out and get some pain killers i was all in… haha i love those pain killers, they lead to interesting situations hahah

yeah thats what i was hoping, but after she said ill be knocked out and get some pain killers i was all in… haha i love those pain killers, they lead to interesting situations hahah, so im all for it…

oh and today i accomplished adjusting my valves thanks to joe jigs (great work) and drank a shit ton of beer. successful in my opinion

Flipped my snow tires in 2 hrs for the same price i bought them for in fall. thank you craigslist!!

Chilling at work til 3 or so, wish it was going to be half way decent out when I leave.

I’m taking the drag wheels off, then patiently waiting until Saturday to put them back on.

Thinking Im going to search for a new non-flat brim flexfit DC or similar hat. And maybe screw with the car a bit.

Bored at work so searching craigslist for ps3 for trade or cheap. Just don’t know what the good ones are (heard certain models had problems). Also searching for yakima bike racks on there too.

Cliffnotes: Being bored at work makes me want to buy things I don’t need

been a productive day so far:
first day of summer class
got home and did some cleaning in the car
drove around for 3 hours in a minivan with some goons causing all sorts of havoc in bspa
ripped all the wire out of my car for my stereo and put in a new alternator
now im gonna sit back and enjoy finally passing every class