What are YOU doing today?

in the process of downloading a bunch of new cds to listen to at work and watching dexter season 3

Buying shit I don’t need with money I don’t have

seems to be a hobby of a lot of people on this site haha, im broke but i cant stop spending

jellies ??? why u on t/t name ??? w.t.f lol

Drove to nh to buy a hardtop, since vlad wouldn’t sell me his. Currently sitting in ruby tuesdays farting. Leaving soon.

work, picked up a carpet at Home Depot for my aunt and uncle, gym, walk, dinner, computer and eventually bed.

Super exciting day.

Heading out to swap the headlight combo switch, and clean out the nastiness I am sure to find behind the steering wheel. At least its lovely outside.

Just did a driving course with an ambulance. That was a blast.

mowed the lawn, did some gardening, about to do some more.

Going to Saratoga tonight

Going to drink on boats and such.

sloughter car show in schoharie and it was pretty good, mostly older muscle and a few sick haggard rat rods, now i think im gonna work on the truck and then do a little cane pole fishin

Got alot done in the yard today. Lawn was mowed, I turned over and composted one garden, made a new one where there was grass, composted it and got it ready for planting and then fixed another garden and got it ready for planting. The rocks were sinking over the years so I pulled them up and put dirt and paver sand under them.

Now Im slightly sore and have a bit of a sunburn. I needed the color anyway though- pretty much the only part of me that had color was my left arm from driving.

Gonna eat dinner in a few and going drinking tonight. Should be a good time.

Drinking in downtown Toga?

did a blower install , lowering kit and a set of lower controll arms in a 2010 camaro

Did an early morning photo shoot and now I’m watching people enjoy their pleasure vessels while mine are both broken 60 miles away. :stuck_out_tongue:

possibly. Not sure where we’re going yet.

-Changed Evo oil
-Checked Evo cam/crank timing
-Purchased 41 gallons of E85
-Drilled out some broken bolts on a mower part
-Eagerly awaiting drunk posts by Jellies

starting to pack up my room slowly but surely. getting ready to move out soon

No drunk posts from me. I ended up going to a bar in Clifton Park/Round Lake and didnt get all that drunk and stayed at my cousin’s apartment.

Hopefully Ill be taking a bike ride in an hour or so. Other than that no real plans since I did what I wanted to do this weekend yesterday.

Working. :confused: