What are YOU doing today?

Dibs on PJB’s escort ass.

I have thought about it actuallly but it didnt seem like Id be making that much, atleast the one job I looked at. I dont think they were paying $1.25 a mile.

Despite the crazy hours I work, going to work for CSX was THE BEST career move I’ve ever made.

^have an uncle who works with them, loves it. I filled put an application and took the online test when I was out of work but never got called back

PJB if you can’t afford to take a pay cut to make yourself happy then you need to reduce your bills so that you can. Bottom line is get the FUCK out of what you’re doing before you really ARE too old to do it. Oh, and stop bitching on here if you’re not willing to help yourself because none of us that work hard to make things happen for ourselves want to hear it.

And the whole “I’m too old” is bullshit. My Mom started her business at 50 years old and does extremely well.

  • rep

I hate people that complain about money that have excessive bills to pay every month, if you don’t make good money don’t live on the edge of your paycheck you shouldn’t have a $300+ car payment a month an iPhone or any other “wants” not “needs” until you have your spending and budget under control so you can live comfortably, I make sure I budget my money between bills, savings account, vacation account and spending money.

Ive been busting my ass at work and paying alot extra on bills just to get rid of them. I went a little crazy with loans and credit cards but that was in the past and now I dont do that anymore. I dont even charge anything if I dont have the cash for it upfront.

I just dont think I make enough to take a pay cut. Im not exactly making baller cash, regardless of if I have bills or not.

apply for the railroad. I’m sure you can at least double, if not triple what you’re making.

He won’t work weekends…

what a jerk.

If I were you Paul, I would get a CDL and apply myself towards a career utilizing that license. You drive everyday for a living anyway, why not work towards something with a little more pay and prestige?

I’ve actually considered looking into the railroad if a police job doesn’t work out for me.

Watching the Isle of Man TT on HD Theatre.

I tried. He needs to be home@his parents house each night for bed.

yeah man, girlfriends dad has been there for some time now. works a ton, but awesome benefits, great retirement, and the pay is pretty excellent. i would like to get in. my buddy just got a job at the selkirk station recently.

What do you want to do there? What did your buddy get hired for?

i will do whatever i can.

i think hes a carman. not sure.

exactly. Ive worked them before and hated it.

Like I said though Im sick of driving and want something different that doesnt involve driving.

Id do construction, warehouse work, fuck Id even be a secretary.

Your dream job doesn’t exist. If you want to make any kind of good money you either need to get your ass back to school and get a degree or you need to make a sacrifice and work weekends. You’re pathetic with how stubborn you are with work.