What are YOU doing today?

Checking the compression in my jetski to see what I need for fuel… then driving to the sacandaga to camp for the weekend and ride when it manages to stay sunny.

Oh, and tune the bitch and hope to god I don’t blow it up before I’m done. :rofl

Grabbing the 5 o’clock ferry and heading back to G Land. Fuck the weather out here. The rest of my family can stay another week, I’m out.

What would the (I assume you’re checking ) cranking compression have to do with fuel selection?

Camping in Lake George

Really? Detonation? If its high enough comp it matters a lot.

Do you understand the difference between dynamic and cranking compression? Nope. Get back to me when you do.

right ???lol

They use cranking PSI to determine fuel requirements all the time in the 2 stroke world.

Bool Cory Sto

trying to bang this slut.

Getting LOADED outdoors!

went to the car show in Rhinebeck and hit some monsoon rain on the way back

Dodging rain drops like everyone else.

^^ time you could have spent sending out job applications. Just sayin

time Id rather spend doing something fun/enjoyable

Yeah, so take the next SINGLE FUCKING HOUR to look for jobs online.

its not like Im a welfare sucking monkey that doesnt work and has no desire to work. I have a job. Yeah, it blows at times but atleast I have a job.

EXACTLY. So stop complaining you racist fuck.

Been to Hooters in like at least 3 countries, maybe 10 states… Choicest tit$ were definitely down South

Too bad they were on the male Coors swigging muthfu#$as tho

Working… been here for an hour, I’m super tired. The internet is boring this early.