What are YOU doing today?

Took the Soup out for a quick spin yesterday, forgot how fast she is even @ low boost.

Got a ride in the Palestinian limo, thing boots! Love it!

Supervised measurement of a couple hundred points on a turbine casing…

Unit being worked on now produces almost 1 GW (well over, uh, 1 million HP) and is just one of four machines at the largest coal fired facility in North America (and maybe even in the West). With all four up that’s over 30,000 tons of coal per day into the furnaces…

So yeah they roll coal over here.

Pulling the motor on lumpyy with sir whalen

In 6 hours I will be heading to Kingston to FINALLY take delivery of my TL. If anything else happens, there will be bodies in my wake.

LOL nice good luck !


So far I’m waiting for it to stop raining so I can work on my car. I might end up just taking it to a carwash to use an empty bay for shelter from the rain.

Have to pop the interior door panels off and remove the side moldings. Not feeling like doing that outside in the rain. Cloth interiors don’t like rain.

It rained today so instead of going to the beach I found some dirt roads and had fun.

Yeah, that’s ZZ Top playing through the car stereo AND the industrial sized megaphone at the same time, while taping some random kid in a Wal Mart bus stop about 5 feet away. :rofl

New plugs, Swagelok fittings for my “catch can” setup, and adjusted rear toe slightly in. Car is running mint for tomorrow!

What’s tomorrow?


drifting thing at lvd

Ah fuck meant to post in “what did you do to your car today” thread :lol

Ya dun goofed.

Today I found out I’m getting a bonus. TIME TO BUY CAR PARTZZZZ

going to the dyno

Doing alternator on the tdi later

have fun with that.

working…then purchasing fireworks!