What are YOU doing today?

fixed my fence, ate some lunch, now sitting on my fat ass in the a/c waiting for the call to go drive trains.

watching people rant on fb about casey anthony


…getting told by NYST’s that my truck is apparently too fucking big for the Taconic. Got a nice piece of laser printed paper to go along with that discussion, and got booted off to the backroads to add ~2 hours to my trip tonight to pickup a tranny with/for JVG. :shifty

Horseshit stretch of road with stupid rules that need major updating

wtf is the deal with that road anyway? I was talking to a guy in MA over the weekend that got a big fine for pulling a trailer with his race car in it down that road. He was unaware of the fact that pulling a trailer on it was wrong.

john that lonely he needs a tranny ? and u to get it as well ? just go see howard at flatline , he is a pretty bitch

Watching womans World Cup Soccer.


Preparing for kayaking with corey tomorrow and flipping leo’s kayak over as many times as possible. Im going to bet i get a solid 3.

We will see about that

See ya tomorrow, sweetheart. Cannonball on to your kayak and 15$ camera.

This is going to be hilarious

Bring your swimmies and your dads sweet xxxl harley polo. Youre 100% going in.

watch yourself dodge boy

:rofl ohhh jeez

If you cant Dodge it, Ram it? Ferp Ferp Ferp :rofl

Only im watching is for you, waldo.

I’m just going to wait until tomorrow to confront this clown. I think he’s still upset over the neg he received for bumping an incredibly awful year old thread. :’(

You’ll be upset from the 15 adds on craigslist with your phone number :wink:

wtf is going on in here?