What are you GIVING for Christmas??

I personally think that a little low on whats suppose to be a happy holiday why would you do something in which someone wouldnt take to u. It would be funny if it was an empty box of at least followed by something that should have been in the box. I hope you reconsider

I still don’t know what he’s planning on doing.

He bought a new big TV and I guess his mom has wanted to get a new TV so i was told hes putting the tires in the box for a giggle which if I was on the other end I wouldnt find it funny. Not to mention after all the snow the tires are late as is. Gay

Edit JVG beat me. sounds fun!

read above

Awww… but if she needs new tires it’s still a good gift. Besides, the money she would have spent on 4 new snow tires can now to go buying her a new tv.

Got my mom some expensive ass coffee maker bullshit.

Got the woman a small diamond necklace. Only been with her a few months, thats all shes getting

That’s cute. Scott got me like 3 things, I feel bad cuz all I’m getting him are Shinedown tickets, but the tickets and backstage passes are $150 each.

Good man. Where? Line?

Crystal: Engagement ring (It’s basically a present until 2013), coach bag, coach wallet, tickets to see Bill Maher, engagement ornament, Twilight book (hated it), Starbucks gift card that will barely last 2 months, some other shit

Mom: Coach bag, wok, some other shit

Old Man: New watch, portable radio to listen to Yankees while he works, field level Yankee tickets

Parents In Law: TiVO renewal and some other random shit; didn’t think they’d pay for HD so they lost a 40" 1080P LCD

Crystal’s sister: cunt got coal

Newman: a lot and I mean a lot


Mom: Took her to see TSO and a $50 gift certificate to the place she always gets her nails done.

Dad: Rolling Stones 3 CD 3LP 2 DVD box set

Brother: Nice skiing fleece and Yak Trax shoe grips

Brothers GF: $50 Target card

Niece: A talking learning bunny rabbit toy that makes a bunch of noise.

Roommates: $25 gift cards to Goldstocks.

Dog: 2 Bones

got the gf a ring

^ The big ring?

I wrote on a card for her for my explanation on why I got her that and although she’ll be mad at first, she will then laugh and appreciate her actual gift.

IDK man. I told you what I think. I think your pushing the envelope on being or trying to be funny and coming off like and ass. For once Meg agrees with me. It would be different if you had give to here or sold her your old TV cheap but you sold that to Whitneys mom. I just think its a bad idea. And you should have given her the tires early before the big snow storms. LOL

What if for some reason she doesnt react the way you think and you ruin her christmas holiday with your family. Is the possible funny worth it? Just my .02 cents. Im a huge asshole and im in for a laugh but this is on the edge of funny and dick. One step to far.

I don’t know… this sounds like something I’d kinda do to my mom… except I wouldn’t put the actual gift into a box of something she REALLLY REALLLLLLY wanted unless I knew that she was going to be absolutely blown away with the ACTUAL gift.

I agree with JVG on that, and Cos-man, you get enough gift cards? :lol I try and stay away from gift cards and get something meaningful.

this is at least the 2nd time you have referred to a just plain dumb comment and worthless post as a blond moment… please try and refrain from this… thanks…

What Venue are the tickets for?

Thats a nice gift for only a few months…

More than fair enough… was a BEAUTIFUL ring!

what kind?