x-mas presents

Just out of curiousity what are all of you getting your significant other/parents for christmas?

Not sure… Parents usually get a gift certificate from me, sister and Gf

not sure what GF wants… maybe some :idb: ??? :x:

i can’t say mine reads this.

same here… but i dont know yet

I was thinking for mom diamond ear rings? what you think?

i got mine a decent watch 2 years ago…

cant really go wrong with jewerly

i may get my mom a remote car starter this year

gift certificate to target…middle aged ladies love that place.

:smiley: :idb:

i am getting my girl a ring


I’m getting my girl some Tiffany heart bracelet thing she wants. She described it once a few months back and said how she’s been looking at it for a few years. I’m sure she has no idea I even remember the convo so I’m hoping it really makes her happy. Oh, and I have no idea what the fucking thing is but her best friend knows exactly which one so I’m bringing her w/ me. Hehe.

As for Mom and Dad… not sure yet. I can’t go wrong w/ cycling stuff for the old man so I’ll probably go that route. My Mom collects hand blown glass perfume bottles, so I’ll probably ger her one of those. Oh, and my Sister, probably get her something for her '67 Cougar… either that or a swift kick in the ass.


wife=big screen tv 52" or up
mom wants gift certificates to delallos and shit like that

are we doing a present exchange for the PS Xmas Party? :bj:

my parents want me to die and i have no significant other :squint:

thats terrible to hear.on a side note you can get them the eminem cd then

my girlfriend checks the board, so i won’t say what i’m getting her.

my mom? new CD player for her Metro.

my dad? some kind of expensive whisky or scotch.

i think we have decided to get a house gift this year we both want a big screen so instead of spending all kinds of scratch on lots of little stuff for each other i see a very big tv sitting in our living room

“the” ring