what are you sippin' on?


I am manly.

I have pics of this stuff from when I was there but I did not try it. The liquor store I was in had like 25% of the store dedicated to chocolate. WTF! Are they all like that? Also I was amazed at how many varietys of mixed drinks like rum and coke they sell in like cans and bottles. It was like that in a few other countries I have been in.


Ugh I bought a bottle yesterday and promised myself a nip before the bars. Well after I was out drinking all night I came home and a friend and I drank half the bottle.


I am manlier then Fry

an 18 pack of Coors Light… should be gone in a few hours

jack n coke…but im screwed cuz im out …i guess of to the liquor store

hurry up, you got less than an hour

This is no small accomplishment.

depressing but had to switch to jim bean cuz i didnt have enough money to buy jd

Shoulda gone with Dickel.

how is that whiskey? never had it before

I like it. It’s one of those bourbons you pull out when you want to make your friends who don’t actually like whiskey admit it publicly. It’s a great put-hair-on-your-chest kind of whiskey. :shrug:

Double shots of

Chased with
Don’t judge me.

orval trappist ale
stone vertical epic
old mill
mikes hard berry (dont fn ask)

killed some cuve de gume (beer) made my way into some wine, and then into some 7/7. Ran the catagories and prob will be sick in the morning.

Same as every night, home brew. MMMMMMMM beer so strong, you only need a liter.

Vodka and sprite… Mmmm

oh a fellow beer maker

water. siqqq

Keystone Ice
