what are your thoughts on the new bin laden tape?

there is a new tape going around now that is claimed to be bin laden (although that has not been verified yet). what are your thoughts?


"As for the delay in carrying out similar operations in America, this was not due to the failure to breach your security measures.

Operations are in preparation and you will see them on your own ground once the preparations are finished, God willing."

Just Nuke them fuckers! Give the innocent ones a chance to leave and only through one passage for safety and screening purposes. But after that, Just drop the bomb and then call it a day!

what CAN we do short of nuking the whole place??? we ARE looking for the bastard still ,we just cant find him. Its shitty but this guy is practically untrackable and he is very dangerous. If he wants to plan and execute a strike, he will, and successfully

Gee, maybe we should have FINISHED what we started in Afganistan before going after Saddam??? Hmmm, that would have been a great idea… Stupid administration…

Fuck him, fuck his tape, fuck his people.


idk, tapes like this have surfaced many times since 9/11, i think hes blowing smoke, one last BRRAWWWRRR before hes finished…

+11eleventy bajallion

personally i think he’s an attention whore, everyone is paying attention to Iran now so he comes out with a new tape so he can say “everyone pay attention to me now” he seriously needs to DIAF :flame:

unfortunatly, i am convinced that it is just a matter of time before there is another major terrorist attack in the US

…but offering a truce “with fair conditions”…


Security measures are like that blanket you had when you were four. It may make you feel safe, but it sure as hell won’t do shit.

Get all the good people out of the country and the Neutron bomb it. a neutron bomb kills all living organisms, so the good people could go back and live normal and we can steal their oil. They dont need it.

You do realize the biggest problem we have is like that of vietnam. You have no idea who is good and who is bad. It’s not like they walk around wearing skimasks, and sunglasses. Besides how would you stop them from leaving also.

OHSNAPTHEEDIT: http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/article339823.ece

I would be willing to bet money our government has stopped attacks from happening. you will never hear about it though, can you imagine if there was a news story that the government stopped a nuclear bomb from detonating in XXXX city, or we stopped a nerve gas attack plot in XXXX sports arena before they could carry out their plans etc… it would cause instant public chaos

unfortunatly the people we are dealing with are very resourceful, creative and fanatical and thats a bad combination. sooner or later i think they will succeed in an attack, i hope to god we can stop them every time but i realistically dont see us stopping every attack plot