Paris & Belgium attacks?

Religion of peace strikes again?

30+ dead, multiple shooting, multiple bombings, and 100+ hostages held…

AFP reports at 23:00 CET:

  • Two shootings.

  • Hostage situation in a concert venue.

  • Multiple explosions at a bar near the soccer stadium Stade de France. President François Hollande was present at soccer game, he has been evacuated.

  • 26 dead.

Update at 23:10 CET, source AFP through NRK:

  • 15 of the mortalities at the concert venue Bataclan, where Eagles of Death Metal were performing.

  • 30 dead.

  • 60 hostages at concert venue Bataclan.

Update at 23:20 CET, from BFMTV

  • At least 40 dead.

Update at 23:24 CET, from AP

  • Estimate of 100 hostages at Bataclan.

Update at 23:30 CET, BBC through Twitter

  • French journalist Erwan Desplanques claims 5-6 attackers at Bataclan.

Update at 23:35 CET, CNN

  • Vice mayor of Paris, Patrick Klugman, “unconfirmed reports of suicide bombers at soccer stadium Stade de France”

Update at 23:36 CET, NRK

  • Unconfirmed reports of shootings at Les Halles, a shopping center in Paris.

Update at 23:45 CET, French Police, Breaking3zero through Twitter

  • 6 coordinated attacks.

Update at 23:48 CET, CNN

  • Attacks at Louvre and Centre Pompidou, museums in Paris.

Update at 23:50 CET, BNO News

  • Unconfirmed reports of 60 mortalities.

Update at 23:55 CET, BBC

  • President Hollande “We are closing our borders”.

Live feed -

I was listening to Eagles of Death Metal last night. Weird!!! I hope the hostages get out unharmed.

My friends have been planning a ski trip to Eurabia, I said no thanks.

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Yea I have a few friends who just flew into Paris today :-\

Crazy hope everyone is ok…

Side bar, order your guns and ammo now on the cheap.

It is only a matter of time that it shows up here.

So much crazyiness in the world lately

Who’s claiming this?

Sounds like ISIS from various reports but nothing official yet.

Kinda crazy my friend lives in Lebanon they got bombed earlier in the week and then flew into Paris today

Also facebook is good for something

Gay boobs.

Glad to hear Eagles of Death Metal are ok. As advanced as human beings are, we are the fucking worst.

The amount of restraint shown from the LE officer who threw the cuffs on one of the suspected terrorists…

It’s such a shame extremists need to kill innocent civilians… what do they expect to get out of this? They hold innocents hostage, and then execute them? I’m not sure if there is an afterlife, but I sure hope they see the worst of it.

Buddy of mine landed in Paris this morning with his wife and 3 kids. Posted a bunch of pics on facebook sightseeing earlier. Havent heard back from him at all yet. Msg’d him a couple times with no response… ugh…

It creates mass panic, which is their goal.

The Homeland season premier did a great job summing up how poorly we’re dealing with the mess in Syria. We act like killing “Jihad John” was some great turning point. Maybe Paris will wake people up. I doubt it. We’ll have our candlelight vigils and solemn statements of consultation and go back to talking about how it’s just a small minority.

This just in… Donald Trump is the next POTUS.


noun ter·ror·ism [FONT=lucida sans unicode]ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm[/FONT]
: the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal"

France recently started bombing ISIS in Syria not to mention ISIS isn’t a big fan of western cultures and freedoms.

Democratic debate should be rather interesting tonight

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And good luck reasoning with this

Extremists…refugees…isolated incidents…

You will never convince a died in the wool progressive that there is any correlation amongst those terms.

it’s truly terrible to think that there are people out there, who think like this. Not just a few people, either… thousands and thousands…and it’s growing daily…with the simple goal to kill all non believers.

a lot of us know the answer on how to defeat terrorism…it’s just, who’s going to step up to the plate.