What brands do you wear? / Where do you shop?

Seeing that it matters so much that you don’t dress like a fggt, what DO you wear?

Edit: Obviously zumiez and pacsun aren’t brands. You guys know what I mean.

You forgot the business people.

Alfani, Dockers, Van Heusen, Stafford, Arrow. Geoffrey Beene.

Outside of work. Hot Topic shirts


Your poll sucks…


express and guess

At work, it usually RL, Zegna, bachrach, boss

Home monarchy or mek jeans and what ever t

EDIT: affliction sucks

I forgot about department stores too. Damnit.

when going casual, usually shorts from pacsun and whatever t-shirts I have around

At work, Dockers and Express shirts mostly.

For work it’s express, Lord & Taylor, banana republic, HUGO Boss, etc.

Weekend clothes - Tony Walker, Metropark and Macy’s, Guess, etc etc.

I do like some of the shirt designs for Affliction and other like brands but it’s turning into a BRO-BRAND as I like to call it.

+1 for Express.

I must say: What is with the Affliction stuff? I see all these ripped guys wearing these shirts lately. Is it a clothing brand? A cage fighting league? I honestly have no idea.

I totally failed.


I shop at American Eagle but not A&F.

I also checked the box for Target. Thats where i get my work clothes that get messed up really quick. No point in buying expensive jeans that are gonna get ripped or stained the first day I wear them.

Express, Kohl’s

american apparel
urban (not so much now)
tonywalker shit
guess jeans

your poll choices aren’t very good. figures a chick would make a poll about what clothes guys wear seeing as nyspeed is all men plus dawn. WTG DAWN.

Work clothing is mostly from Express, Macy’s, and Nordstrom’s

Going out clothing is Guess, Burberry, Express, Armani, Lacoste

Ruehl 925 for casual stuff. Mainly because their shit fits me best.
Also a lot of Billabong type clothes.
for work express, and shit like that.

work - express and macy’s

out of work - a random selection of tees/boardshorts from where ever has shit that catches my eye and express