What car company do you HATE?

What car company do you hate?

Reasons why?

Only post reasons if they are valid points using first hand knowledge, not just "Well my uncles second best friend had one and it sucked)


Chrysler… I’m talking JUST Chrysler though… I honestly would NEVER even think about owning one of their lame products.

The only thing dodge has going for them is their trucks… and maybe the srt-4

It would be Chrysler. But I can’t include Jeep in that mess because I would love to own one.

I voted GM.

I hate everything about Saturn.

I’m SO sick of this Ford owns Mazda bullshit. They HAD 33.5% stake in Mazda. They did not OWN Mazda.

Mazda buying back 20% of the stake.

shut up you guys ;E

…and I personally hate ford. They said they’re in the business to make money, not good cars. All their cars I’ve ever driven seem to be a “compromise.” This car isn’t fast but it looks cool… this car isn’t quality but it’s sorta fast… this car is quality but it’s slow and ugly… plus I think the ford logo looks SO old and ugly that I can’t have it on any car I own. hahaha so weak.

edit: I hate saab but I like subaru so I’m inbetween there too. I think saabs are super unreliable, impossible to work on, ugly, the people that drive them are often douchebags, and that GREEN color they offer.

I’m not a Ford fan to be completely honest.

I’ve owned a mazda 626 and a Ford escort I before… Both of them where the biggest piles of shit. Everything fell apart and just looked horrible in general. Both became rust buckets, and both had suspension issues.

Although I will give it to ford, they know how to make a reliable ass four banger… 174k on the escort and it never missed a beat, 150k on the 626.

I’m also very partial to hate on Mazda due to the fact one of my friends brother owns one(Mazdaspeed 6). He talks so much shit about how fast it is and how fast it’s gonna be when in reality It wasn’t that must faster than my 224hp WRX. Now he talks a lot of shit about how hes gonna smoke my LS1 Firebird which makes me lol hard.

GM is where it’s at. Honestly, They give you the best all around option when shopping American. Good blend of quality, durability, price, performance, and style on a majority of their newer vehicles. Old ones… not so much the style but all around a good car company.(Mind you my family owns 3 gms, a toyota, and a subaru)

Go to ford.com and tell me what you see. There is probably no other single share holder that owns more than 33%.

chrysler - minus jeep and a few trucks

need to change the poll options to allow me to click as many that apply… all cars suck, it’s a secret they don’t want out…

GM , because the Chevy badge literally fell off our Equinox, besides that they are pretty solid

I hate toyota for being boring.

supra yEAHHHH! but not anymore =(

Vw/Audi because i have to work on them. They shoehorn everything. except 1.8t’s…those are easy.

i did not know ford owned jag, i thought that jag only bought the taurus chassis?

Chrysler and their mitsubishi related shit.

They just make garbage cars.

and you forgot the KOREANS

dsm ended. long time ago

:lol:@no korean companies

I hate all except for nissan, honda, toyota, subaru


They cry too much.


there is MORE than enough hate on this board, this is just gonna stir up shit. there is nothing productive that can come from this.

if someone above my paygrade would like to reopen this abortion of a thread, be my guest.