What car would you bury and why?

So after reading this http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25051 I started thinking about what kind of car i would bury and what i might want to put in it/ where id do it. It came as a toss up between A nissan 350 Z or maybe something like newmans sti (bc they are cars that i like they styling of. Id want to put a case of sam adams summer ale in the trunk alog with newspaper clippings about “outragerous gas prices” perhaps a disturbed cd or something. Prob bury it in the square seeing as how every thursday people are down there in the summer , and dig it up on a thursday say in 50 years. What would you want to bury , put in it, where would you put it.

an srt4

and i would trust the people of tulsa to do it for me :wink:

i would put my stash of dead hookers in it …because my backyard is already full, and its hard to bury a body in your FRONT yard w/o people noticing

I’m sure if someone was to do it, it would be a Corvette since that’s the American car icon.

CRX, cause there sweeet

Any F&F look-alike, because they all should f’in DIE!

Honda Excrement (and never dig it up) because it is so ugly.

bring them to the junk yard!


and the mini cooper. mini short bus

Ford Excursion, Its a symbol of how obnoxiously huge things were on the road just to take 2 kids to soccer practice.

Any Saturn

See how that plastic exterior holds up after 50 years:eyebrow:

fuck plastic

Most any 90s domestic, so that way they can remember how much they sucked back then.

Every VW MK4 1.8t on the planet.

Subaru SVX

because maybe in 50 years I wont be the only one that thinks they are cool

RubiCant’s DSM

Because it deserves a break from him

:2fingers: you shut your hole

My Camaro.

Do I have to dig it back up?

Uncle Bob-oh would not be happy if you buried his Camero before washing it.

and not digem up. Some with their owners, alive :wink:

I’d bury a Prius so in 50 years they can laugh at our technology.

They should just re-bury that hunk of shit so nobody has to deal with it…