What color should I paint my winter wheels?

here you go

^^ No. :ban


Paint your wheels phoenix yellow, everyone’s doing it;


i say light them on fire and whatever color they turn out ot be, let that be that.

How cute you and JClark both have E36 M3 race cars and E46 M3 daily’s :gay

his racer is not an M3…

4 diff colors is my vote

thank you for the correction. 325is. 3-series pride.

Even cuter is how much faster my street and race car are than your street and race car.

:confused I have 2 street cars.

…and I don’t do the whole road track thing, so good for you for being faster! In a straight line, I doubt both are faster. :sleep


flat light green

I bet that civic is plush.

paint yo shit smurf cum blue.

I could careless.


Must…resist…fast car…vs…fast driver…debate…