Yeah our next lunch outing during the week should be at Villa Italia!!!
Lab tests out the wazoo
Had to make up for yesterday :lol
slept for 4 hours. snored really loud, woke my coworker up out of a sound sleep, he kicked me, i woke up drank coffee, ate some frys and went back to bed lol
Fiddled with MS Virtual Earth, implemented a few of the features on the website. Stress seminar (Which I got pulled out of because the CEO needed something done for a 1:30 demo, kind of ironic). More fiddling with VE, made it all look extra ‘sexy’ for the CEO’s demo. Bullshitted some QA stuff, cause it’s boring and not really my job (we need an intern, lol). Now I’m refactoring a bunch of DB stuff.
Productive day so far.
:rofl no.
Cisco Wireless Implementation project I’m doing.
Thus far…in the 7 hours I’ve been here…I swapped out one keyboard and installed updates on one laptop.
That was it.
I’ve been so bored I researched a way of getting a 2002 Altima Steering Wheel into a 95-99 Maxima and how to make it work and made a post about it. Looking to pursue this mod soon.
Took inventory of every single form/pamphlet/document etc… for the state of NY DMV, shit is tedious, and will prolly work another 12 hr day tomorrow as well. But the OT is worth it.
I had to pick up dan from the hospital b/c he hit a tree last night. He was pulling those heart monitoring things off of him as we were driving to the job site.